Thursday, February 14, 2019

Ilhan Omar, despiablemente, ATAQUES El testigo de Trump en Venezuela escuchó en un acalorado intercambio

Ilhan Omar, despiablemente, ATAQUES El testigo de Trump en Venezuela escuchó en un acalorado intercambio

Ilhan Omar, despiablemente, ATAQUES El testigo de Trump en Venezuela escuchó en un acalorado intercambio

Posted: 13 Feb 2019 05:00 PM PST

In a House hearing on Venezuela today, anti-Semite Ilhan Omar despicably attacked Trump's new special envoy to Venezuela, Elliot Abrams, by suggesting over and over that he would look the other way at the US committing war crimes and genocide as he implements US policy there. Watch: Here's more from Fox News: The Trump administration's new special envoy for Venezuela, Elliott Abrams,

Hong Kong está siendo invadida por jabalíes

Posted: 13 Feb 2019 09:19 AM PST

Los jabalíes de Hong Kong están, cada vez más, aventurándose desde las selvas tropicales del territorio hacia sus centros urbanos. El número de informes de avistamientos y molestias se ha más que duplicado en los últimos cinco años.

President Trump: 'I'm not happy' about border deal

Posted: 13 Feb 2019 08:37 AM PST

Mr. Trump pronounced himself unsatisfied with the agreement brokered by House and Senate negotiators, and he refused to publicly commit to signing it. But he all but ruled out another government shutdown and emphasized that he would find "other methods" to finance a border barrier, leading aides and allies to predict he would grudgingly go along with the deal. "Am I happy at first glance?"

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